Government a Frankenstein monster

I was listening to MSNBC this morning, something I know better than to do, but the commentator was railing against Senator Sessions for failing to reauthorize a billion-dollar bill that funds faster 911 response times for battered women.  I was driven to ask, “Are 911 operators currently ignoring the calls of battered women, do they give priority to other crimes, is the system run by women haters?”  The fact a public system is being improved only for a small segment of the public is insane on its face.

Another example of special interest lunacy, why not just improve the 911 system in for everyone.  

Maybe the saddest part of the story is that we have convinced women, especially battered women that they are helpless, that the only help available to them is on the other end of a 911 phone call.  Do these women not have a right SELF defense? 

It is sad when people look to government for protection, for moral guidance, to bless their wedding, to feed and clothe them when they are unemployed, to take care of them in old age, and even to provide healthcare when they are sick.  Everyone is looking for their own private government handout.    What they are getting is government shackles and daily portions just like the slaves on the cotton plantations of pre Civil War America. 

Nothing scares me more than a powerful and well-meaning government.   A kind and well-meaning government conjures images of the Frankenstein monster sitting at the water’s edge smiling at the little girl beside him as they toss daisies into the water.  After a while the flowers run out and the monster not knowing better throws the little girl into the water where she drowns.

I pray that God will protect me from government kindness. 

I want a government to provide blind justice, promote interstate commerce thru infrastructure, and provide for the defense of the nation.  Other than those few things please leave me alone to prosper or fail on my own.  If I am in need of kindness I will look to charities and churches, for love I will look to my wife and for happiness or blame I will look to myself.

It is always a fatal and tragic error to believe that people can be well served by anything other than an amoral rule of law enforced by an indifferent government.

The rise of Nazi Germany, Communist Poland, and Stalinist Russia all began with promises by a kind, caring and nurturing state to feed the poor, care for the unemployed, and equalize all people regardless of individual contributions.  All ended in genocide, war and poverty. 

Government by its very nature is amoral, it is force which can only advantage some at the disadvantage of others, give to some what it has taken from others, wholly incapable of contributing.  Like the Frankenstein monster government may seem a benevolent giant at first but we can never forget its potential for unspeakable destruction.

Ron Paul understands Freedom, simple freedom to determine our own destiny.

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