I am homophobic but Libertarian

I just want to admit upfront that I am a prototypical homophobic male, blatant homosexual displays make me cringe, and don’t pretend that you do not know what I mean by that.   Most of my friends and colleges also are uncomfortable with male and female homosexuality and as I do feel that this sort of activity is a sin and is morally wrong. 

I was at a meeting a few weeks ago and there were a couple of men acting “blatantly homosexual” during one of the breaks, I would suppose that I appeared uncomfortable.  My friend and colleague who is also homosexual turned to me and said, “I bet you wish you could banish those fairies from Earth huh?”

I strongly replied, “NO! I thank god everyday that I live in a country where people have the right to pursue their own happiness even if that pursuit makes me feel uncomfortable.  I also hope that I would have the courage to fight and die for their rights just as much as anyone else’s right.  If we are not all free then none of us are free.”  I went to explain to all involved (now most of the room was paying attention to me) that this is the belief system of the Libertarian.   Live and let live never looking to government for sustenance or conscience, always in favor of everyone’s unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  If your actions do not harm or directly endanger others then those actions and choices are your own.  

The conversation turned to gay marriage and someone said, “You are not in favor of gay marriage are you.”  I said sure,  I am in favor of whatever unions people want to perpetuate as long as it does not directly endanger others.  I am not in favor of government sponsored marriage in any form though.  What business is it of government who I marry?  Why should government advantage those who follow the government approved form of marriage at the disadvantage of those who have chosen something different?   This same logic is applied to welfare, education, drugs, foreign wars, sexual orientation, or gender.  None of us should look to government for anything but protection from each other and protection of threats abroad, that is all a kind and just government is capable of, anything more means Tyranny for someone. 

Check out campainforliberty.org for more about how we can reclaim our liberty in this country.

One giant step towards serfdom

I was listening to President Obama this morning and he was talking about everybody doing their part to keep America solvent, everybody has to give their fare share, how we must all pitch in to save America and it sounded similar to that all too familiar quote from Karl Marx, “To each according to his need from each according to his ability.”  This mindset is insanity for it has never worked and everyone, including those who are spouting it, knows that it is insanity.

But, thing that really struck me was not that normal socialist chatter that we have been hearing for the last 20 years but the way he cleverly equated America the country, meaning the United States of America, with the Federal government of these United States.  They are not the same and for people to equate them is to surrender their Liberty and become serfs.    For a country’s government to succeed in convincing its people they are the same is for that government to succeed in Tyranny without a fight.

Our government is tasked with representing not ruling us, they serve at our pleasure.  We elect representatives and they represent our interests, these representatives should be one part scholar considering issues, solving problems and independently arriving at solutions on their own, and nine parts messenger, simply conveying the opinions of their constituents to Washington with no input on their part. 

It is dangerous for us the people when we begin to think of government and country as the same.  Like the founders so brilliantly for warned, government is power and force, essential to protecting our individual rights and liberties, equally essential to a tyrannical government in enslaving us.  Government is the weapon carried by our guardians as they protects us from each other and from threats abroad, it is an equally deadly weapon in the hands of criminals bent on looting the country and enslaving us.   A good analogy is the famous movie The Terminator.  The force and power of government has no loyalty nor allegiance, it does not feel nor empathize, it simply follows its programming, if we the people loose control of this creature it will destroy us.

We the people can never forget that government is OUR tool that should serve only to protect OUR individual liberties, to expect more of it is to take the first giant step towards serfdom.

Please check out campainforliberty.org and Dr. Ron Paul for more information on joining the fight for our liberty.

One giant step towards serfdom

I was listening to President Obama this morning and he was talking about everybody doing their part to keep America solvent, everybody has to give their fare share, how we must all pitch in to save America and it sounded similar to that all too familiar quote from Karl Marx, “To each according to his need from each according to his ability.”  This mindset is insanity for it has never worked and everyone, including those who are spouting it, knows that it is insanity.

But, thing that really struck me was not that normal socialist chatter that we have been hearing for the last 20 years but the way he cleverly equated America the country, meaning the United States of America, with the Federal government of these United States.  They are not the same and for people to equate them is to surrender their Liberty and become serfs.    For a country’s government to succeed in convincing its people they are the same is for that government to succeed in Tyranny without a fight.

Our government is tasked with representing not ruling us, they serve at our pleasure.  We elect representatives and they represent our interests, these representatives should be one part scholar considering issues, solving problems and independently arriving at solutions on their own, and nine parts messenger, simply conveying the opinions of their constituents to Washington with no input on their part. 

It is dangerous for us the people when we begin to think of government and country as the same.  Like the founders so brilliantly for warned, government is power and force, essential to protecting our individual rights and liberties, equally essential to a tyrannical government in enslaving us.  Government is the weapon carried by our guardians as they protects us from each other and from threats abroad, it is an equally deadly weapon in the hands of criminals bent on looting the country and enslaving us.   A good analogy is the famous movie The Terminator.  The force and power of government has no loyalty nor allegiance, it does not feel nor empathize, it simply follows its programming, if we the people loose control of this creature it will destroy us.

We the people can never forget that government is OUR tool that should serve only to protect OUR individual liberties, to expect more of it is to take the first giant step towards serfdom.

Please check out campainforliberty.org and Dr. Ron Paul for more information on joining the fight for our liberty.

Government a Frankenstein monster

I was listening to MSNBC this morning, something I know better than to do, but the commentator was railing against Senator Sessions for failing to reauthorize a billion-dollar bill that funds faster 911 response times for battered women.  I was driven to ask, “Are 911 operators currently ignoring the calls of battered women, do they give priority to other crimes, is the system run by women haters?”  The fact a public system is being improved only for a small segment of the public is insane on its face.

Another example of special interest lunacy, why not just improve the 911 system in for everyone.  

Maybe the saddest part of the story is that we have convinced women, especially battered women that they are helpless, that the only help available to them is on the other end of a 911 phone call.  Do these women not have a right SELF defense? 

It is sad when people look to government for protection, for moral guidance, to bless their wedding, to feed and clothe them when they are unemployed, to take care of them in old age, and even to provide healthcare when they are sick.  Everyone is looking for their own private government handout.    What they are getting is government shackles and daily portions just like the slaves on the cotton plantations of pre Civil War America. 

Nothing scares me more than a powerful and well-meaning government.   A kind and well-meaning government conjures images of the Frankenstein monster sitting at the water’s edge smiling at the little girl beside him as they toss daisies into the water.  After a while the flowers run out and the monster not knowing better throws the little girl into the water where she drowns.

I pray that God will protect me from government kindness. 

I want a government to provide blind justice, promote interstate commerce thru infrastructure, and provide for the defense of the nation.  Other than those few things please leave me alone to prosper or fail on my own.  If I am in need of kindness I will look to charities and churches, for love I will look to my wife and for happiness or blame I will look to myself.

It is always a fatal and tragic error to believe that people can be well served by anything other than an amoral rule of law enforced by an indifferent government.

The rise of Nazi Germany, Communist Poland, and Stalinist Russia all began with promises by a kind, caring and nurturing state to feed the poor, care for the unemployed, and equalize all people regardless of individual contributions.  All ended in genocide, war and poverty. 

Government by its very nature is amoral, it is force which can only advantage some at the disadvantage of others, give to some what it has taken from others, wholly incapable of contributing.  Like the Frankenstein monster government may seem a benevolent giant at first but we can never forget its potential for unspeakable destruction.

Ron Paul understands Freedom, simple freedom to determine our own destiny.

Please see campainforliberty.org


        This is the most eloquent, logical, and pro-demacracy gun control counter I have ever heard.  Thank you Maj. Caudill

 As the Supreme Court heard arguments for and against the Chicago gun
ban, a Marine offered a letter that places the proper perspective
on what a gun means to a civilized society.

Interesting take and one you don’t hear much. . . . . .
Read this eloquent and profound letter and pay close attention to the
last paragraph of the letter….

“The Gun Is Civilization” by Maj. L. Caudill USMC (Ret)

Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason  and
force.  If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of
either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding
under threat of force.  Every human interaction falls into one of
those two categories, without exception.  Reason or force, that’s it.

In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact
through persuasion.
Force has no place as a valid method of social interaction and the
only thing that removes force from the menu is the personal firearm,
as paradoxical as it may sound to some.

When I carry a gun, you cannot deal with me by force. You have to use
reason and try to persuade me, because I have a way to negate your
threat or employment of force.

The gun is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-pound woman on
equal footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree on equal
footing with a 19-year old gang banger, and a single guy on
equal footing with a carload of drunken guys with baseball bats.  The
gun removes the disparity in physical strength, size, or numbers
between a potential attacker and a defender.

There are plenty of people who consider the gun as the source of bad
force equations.  These are the people who think that we’d be more
civilized if all guns were removed from society, because a firearm makes it easier
for an [armed] mugger to do his job. That, of course, is only true if
the mugger’s potential victims are mostly disarmed either by choice or
by legislative fiat–it has no validity when most of a mugger’s
potential marks are armed.

People who argue for the banning of arms ask for automatic rule by the
young, the strong, and the many, and that’s the exact opposite of a
civilized society.  A mugger, even an armed one, can only make a successful living in a society where the state has granted him a force monopoly.

Then there’s the argument that the gun makes confrontations lethal
that otherwise would only result in injury.  This argument is
fallacious in several ways. Without guns involved, confrontations are
won by the physically superior party inflicting overwhelming injury on
the loser.

People who think that fists, bats, sticks, or stones don’t constitute
lethal force, watch too much TV, where people take beatings and come
out of it with a bloody lip at worst.  The fact that the gun makes
lethal force easier works solely in favor of the weaker defender, not
the stronger attacker.  If both are armed, the field is level.

The gun is the only weapon that’s as lethal in the hands of an
octogenarian as it is in the hands of a weight lifter.  It simply
wouldn’t work as well as a force equalizer if it wasn’t both lethal
and easily employable.

When I carry a gun, I don’t do so because I am looking for a fight,
but because I’m looking to be left alone. The gun at my side means
that I cannot be forced, only persuaded.  I don’t carry it because I’m
afraid, but because it enables me to be unafraid.  It doesn’t limit
the actions of those who would interact with me through reason, only
the actions of those who would do so by force.  It removes force from
the equation… and that’s why carrying a gun is a civilized act.

By Maj. L. Caudill USMC (Ret.)

So, the greatest civilization is one where all citizens are equally
armed and can only be persuaded, never forced.

Beginning of the End? maybe?

In 2010 the top 1% or 3 million people give or take paid 40% of taxes.  This amounts to each person in the top 1% paying about 290,000 dollars in federal taxes on average.  Now the bottom 99% of wage earners paid 60% of all federal taxes or about 1.32 trillion dollars.  This amounts to each person in the bottom 99% paying an average of 4400 dollars in federal taxes. 

The deficit was 1.3 trillion dollars in 2010 which amounts to over 4000 dollars of extra debt for every man, woman and child in the United States accumulated in just one year.   If you took every penny the top 1% earned it would not balance the budget.   If you doubled every wage earners tax rate which would essentially take everything that the wealthiest 4-5% earned it would not balance the budget.

I realize that these are simple, first grader type calculations that require no great insight or intellectual capacity to perform.  I am somewhat sure that the politicians in Washington are capable and in fact have also performed these calculations and are aware of these facts. 

The question then, is why are both parties promoting tax and spend while ignoring the cutting?  Do they believe no solution exists because we have long since passed the point of no return where more than ½ of the US population gets more from government than they pay to government?  Do they believe that in the US like in Greece it is impossible to peaceably and orderly pull back even modestly on government handouts not just to the poor but to the very wealthy as well?  Have our own politicians lost control of the US government giving over control to large money interests?

Why are countries like China, Russia, India, and Brazil buying gold and silver by the 100s of tons while dumping European and US debt as fast as possible.   Why would the leaders in these countries, which also have their share of brilliant economists, be headed in such a drastically different direction than the US and Europe?

I don’t know the answers to these questions but I am afraid the answers will be shocking. 

Many of the answers are available at campaignforliberty.org. 

Ron Paul is the only candidate who has even attempted to address any of these issues.

Drug War or Modern Holocaust ?

Obama’s DEA spokesman was on TV this morning talking about progress in the war on drugs, how government is making the world safer by stamping out drug abuse where ever it exists, arresting users and dealer’s alike.

It reminded me of two patients I once had both were undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer that had spread to their bones and organs.  The chemo’ caused severe nausea and vomiting to the point that they were both losing weight at a frightening pace and were in danger of having to suspend chemo.

The answer for both was marijuana, for patient A, who was a wealthy lady with unlimited resources that meant a marinol pill produced by a large pharmaceutical company and legally purchased at the drug store.   However for patient B who was poor and unable to afford the 600 dollars a month for the life saving drug company form, it meant  smoking marijuana cigarettes.  Both forms of the drug worked great and both ladies began to respond to chemotherapy.

A few weeks later patient B failed to make her appointment and we were dumfounded at the clinic because she had never before missed an appointment.  We later discovered that she was arrested for growing marijuana plants in her home and was looking at serious prison time for being a producer.  She missed several weeks of chemo’ and her disease returned with a vengeance, she died a few months later.

Patient A went on taking the drug company government approved form of marijuana and had a complete recovery.

To me this really brings home the point that the War on Drugs is really a war on people not drugs, drugs are just the excuse used to expand the reach of government. 

When I picture Ms.” B” leaving her house for the last time in handcuffs I cannot escape images of Nazi storm troopers leading Jewish citizens to death camps in those black and white film strips shown on the history channel.    Nor can I help but imagine myself as one of the German citizens looking the other way and denying the Holocaust while the lunatics in power lay waste to my country.

God give me strength.

 Please see campainforliberty.org and join the struggle to restore our constitutional form of government and secure the blessing of Liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

Nuclear Iran? Who Cares?

Since 2005, the United States military and intelligence community have engaged in supposed efforts to derail Iran’s nuclear program.  The Pentagon has studied the Iranian nuclear target and has concluded that it would be futile to attempt to eliminate that program through aerial bombing, making a ground war absolutely necessary.   Defense Secretary Panetta and other experts have stated that even a sustained air attack would only delay any weapons program for a year or two at most.   This is a view shared by leading Israelis.  Former Mossad head Meir Dagan said that an air force strike against Iran’s nuclear installations would be “a stupid thing,” a view endorsed in principle by two other past Mossad chiefs, Danny Yatom and Ephraim Halevy.   Dagan added his opinion that “Any strike against [the civilian program] is an illegal act according to international law.”

Other Mossad officials have said that they do not expect Iran to become a strategic or tactical threat to Israel in the forseeable future.  For Iran to attack Israel would be short sighted and self-destructive, for them to attack Israel with a nuclear weapon would be suicidal. 

The pundits who claim that Ahmadinejad said he would “wipe Israel off the map” have it wrong.   Genuine Persian language specialists have pointed out that the original statement in Farsi actually said that Israel would collapse: “This occupation regime over Jerusalem must vanish from the arena of time” is the accurate rendition.  Wishful thinking perhaps, but far from a threat.

James Madison once wrote that “Of all the enemies of true liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded…War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. …No nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”

So Iran gets a nuclear weapon.  They cannot use it because this would give Israel and the world the chance to permanently solve the “Iranian problem.”   They will spend billions of dollars on a weapon that they can never use and starve their citizens (subjects) in the process.  So why would we want to attack Iran if not for self-defense reasons?

Could it be that defense contractors, weapons manufacturers, and the benefactors of US military action need another war to remain profitable?   If you check PAC funding as well as above-board political funding a large portion comes from these interest.  About 28 percent in the presidential elections comes from interest who would benefit.  This is part of the problem with campaign financing.

In any event we citizens must analyze these issues for ourselves and not depend on news corporations or politicians to spoon feed us propaganda.

Ron Paul uniquely understands these issues.